Creating a shared culture where everyone feels they are making a meaningful contribution to what we achieve.

Developing Leader

  • I respect the talents and contributions of all individuals.
  • I treat everyone fairly and with respect.
  • I respond to contributions from others in a positive and constructive way.
  • I acknowledge and consider others’ perspectives before taking action.

Accomplished Leader

  • I promote an environment that values diversity.
  • I challenge colleagues whose behaviour, attitude and language negatively impact others.
  • I build relationships with individuals across Robertson.
  • I coach others to help them resolve performance-related issues.

Inspiring Leader

  • I create a supportive environment and encourage ownership and responsibility.
  • I promote my team and our abilities in discussions with stakeholders.
  • I build a culture where everyone feels safe to contribute views and opinions.
  • I create a climate for personal growth and career opportunity.

Development Indicators

I promote individual contribution over team achievement.

I tolerate behaviours that have a negative impact on the workplace experience of others.

I express a negative opinion about my team.

I don’t support equal opportunities for all.

More leadership behaviours