Self Development Activities

  • Make sure you’re clear on what the successful outcome is for any task or project you’re working on.
  • Volunteer to support colleagues on new projects and initiatives to expand your own skills when you see the opportunity.
  • Talk to your People Leader about the level of authority you have in your role, making sure you’re clear on when you can make decisions and when they should be escalated.
  • Build your PDP to help you develop skills and achieve your goals.
  • Work with a mentor or coach to build confidence, ownership and initiative in your role.
  • At the end of a project, capture the ‘lessons learned’ and consider how you can modify and improve delivery.

People Leader Activities

  • Where possible, make sure your employees have the resources and information they need to complete tasks.
  • Encourage your team to challenge ‘the ways we’ve always done things’ and look for ways to streamline processes to save time, resources and money.
  • Where possible, let your employees decide how they achieve the task they’ve been assigned. Agree what success looks like and let them take ownership of the task.
  • Provide constructive feedback regularly.
  • Encourage everyone in your team to attend Home Safe training to increase understanding of behavioural health and safety requirements.

More ways to develop your leadership behaviours