Forging close relationships with others to work towards achieving common goals and outcomes as one team.

Developing Leader

  • I influence others to focus on working together to deliver customer needs.
  • I support others in challenging circumstances.
  • I adapt my working style when needed to promote collaboration and achievement of shared goals.
  • I am approachable to immediate colleagues and my wider team.

Accomplished Leader

  • I help remove barriers and obstacles to team productivity and success.
  • I build and maintain networks that are mutually beneficial and help us achieve our organisational purpose.
  • I meet regularly with people outside my own area to share information and best practice.
  • I build trust through sharing information and expertise.

Inspiring Leader

  • I create opportunities to get the best from teams and individuals, and achieve our potential.
  • I drive cross-functional initiatives that create value for Robertson and contribute to organisational objectives.
  • I bring collaborative groups together to achieve objectives.
  • I commit to breaking down barriers between departments and teams and encourage cooperation.

Development Indicators

I miss opportunities to collaborate with others and create better outcomes for customers.

I don’t encourage communication within and between teams.

I make decisions without involving other people.

I usually take a ‘that’s not my job’ attitude.

More leadership behaviours