Working to create the right climate for people to get the job done to the best of their ability, ensuring a culture of mutual respect and support.

Developing Leader

  • I tell people how much they are valued and regularly express thanks and appreciation.
  • I demonstrate trust in the ability of those I work with.
  • I proactively share information with those who need it.
  • I recognise and celebrate individual and team achievements.

Accomplished Leader

  • I commit to holding and/or participating in regular team meetings and timely 1-2-1s.
  • I influence others to focus on working together to deliver for customers.
  • I nurture an environment where individuals treat each other fairly and with respect.
  • I seek and value input from others when making decisions.

Inspiring Leader

  • I give autonomy to others, allowing them to take responsibility to meet and exceed customer needs.
  • I promote a culture that encourages ownership and accountability.
  • I ensure that organisational purpose and customer needs are at the heart of decision-making.
  • I clearly communicate to others how their work contributes to our purpose and vision.
  • I demonstrate an understanding of what motivates and matters to people through regular conversations and actions.

Development Indicators

› I give customers and delivery partners an unrealistic picture of what is possible.

› I focus on what cannot be achieved.

› I brush aside the views of others.

› I ‘tell’ others more than I engage or coach them.

More leadership behaviours