We work as one – in our teams and partnerships, and with our customers. We respect each contribution and everyone stands up to be counted. We are Team Robertson.

- I commit to building relationships with my team, our partners and customers.
- I take time to understand how my role fits into the wider organisation.
- I trust others to do their best and help them when needed.
- I positively represent Robertson by working in the Robertson Way and role- modelling our principles internally and externally.
- I value my team and am committed to achieving our objectives.
- I make an effort to positively resolve conflict when working relationships have broken down.
- I acknowledge and celebrate other people’s success.
- I put the achievement of shared objectives before my own goals.
- I work on my own instead of involving my team or colleagues.
- I blame others for team failures and take credit for team success.
- I focus on my own objectives at the expense of supporting my colleagues.
- I make non-constructive comments that demotivate the people around me.
- I don’t recognise opportunities for cross-team working.
- I let individual differences negatively impact team morale.